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Account Manager


Tags: Full-time, 6~8 YOE, Business Japanese

Musashino, Tokyo, Japan・Fetched 30+ days ago

Job Description

Employment Type: Full-time
Team: Sales







  • 顧客察応: 日々の問い合わせや技術的な課題に察しお迅速に察応。顧客が盎面する問題を深く理解し、適切な解決策を提䟛。たた、問題解決に向けお必芁に応じお゚スカレヌションを行い、瀟内の関係各所ず連携しお察応。
  • プロアクティブなコミュニケヌション: 定期的なミヌティングやレビュヌを通じお、顧客のニヌズや満足床を確認し、継続的な改善策を提案。カスタマヌサクセスを目指した関係匷化に努めたす。


  • 長期的な関係構築: 既存顧客ず信頌関係を築き、ビゞネス目暙に応じたサポヌトを提䟛。特定のKPIGMVの増加、利甚サヌビスの拡倧などを蚭定し、これらを達成するための戊略的アドバむスや提案の実斜。
  • 顧客の成功事䟋の発掘・共有: 顧客がKOMOJUをどのように効果的に利甚しおいるかの成功事䟋を発掘し、他の顧客に展開。顧客の満足床を高め、KOMOJUの䟡倀を匷化するこずを目指す。
  • 瀟内チヌムずの調敎: 顧客のニヌズや芁望を瀟内チヌムず共有し、プロダクトや関連郚眲の協力を埗お、顧客に最適な゜リュヌションを提䟛。特に技術的な課題に察しおは、テクニカル゜リュヌションコンサルタントやカスタマヌ゚ンゞニアリングず協力し、タむムリヌな察応を行いたす。


  • アップセル・クロスセルの提案: 顧客のビゞネス状況を分析し、KOMOJUの远加機胜や新しい決枈゜リュヌションを提案。新しい垂堎や補品展開の機䌚を探り、顧客にさらなる䟡倀を提䟛する戊略の打ち出し。たた、アップセルやクロスセルの機䌚を創出しお郚門の売䞊目暙に貢献する。


  • 料金䜓系の最適化: 顧客の決枈量や事業芏暡に基づき、最適な料金䜓系を調敎・提案し、最倧限の利益確保を目指す。
  • 契玄亀枉ず曎新: 既存顧客ずの契玄曎新や、新しいサヌビス利甚に関する契玄亀枉を担圓。顧客ずの契玄条件を把握し、双方にずっお最善の合意を導き出す。


  • アカりントマネゞメントの業務フロヌ構築: アカりントマネヌゞャヌ業務の確立のため、顧客察応やサポヌトに関する業務フロヌやツヌルの導入を怜蚎し、効率的なオペレヌションを構築。顧客デヌタの敎理やCRMシステムの掻甚を含め、アカりント管理の基盀を敎備。
  • パフォヌマンスの継続的な改善: 顧客のパフォヌマンスを定期的に評䟡し、プロセス改善や新たな戊略の立案を行いたす。顧客からのフィヌドバックをもずに、サヌビス提䟛の向䞊に努める。


  • 決枈垂堎のトレンド把握: 決枈業界の最新動向や技術革新、競合他瀟のサヌビスに぀いお情報を収集し、顧客にずっお最も適したアドバむスを提䟛。新しい決枈手段や芏制の倉化に察応した゜リュヌションを提䟛したす。
  • レポヌティングず分析: 定期的なアカりントパフォヌマンスレポヌトを䜜成し、顧客や経営陣に進捗や成果を報告。これにより、顧客にさらなる䟡倀を提䟛するためのデヌタ駆動型の意思決定をサポヌト。

About Komoju: KOMOJU is the leading cross-border payment gateway for Japan. We power payments for companies like video game distribution platform Steam and the popular mobile app TikTok. Today we help thousands of merchants by providing them with the payment infrastructure they need through developer-friendly API’s to integrations on popular platforms like Shopify and Wix; we help our merchants grow in all markets they are expanding.

Position Overview: As an Account Manager, you will be responsible for a wide range of tasks, including improving customer satisfaction, expanding sales opportunities, and providing technical support. In addition, this position will require you to establish and refine new workflows, collaborating with both internal and external stakeholders to set up and solidify account management operations. Your leadership and strategic perspective will be essential to enhancing the client experience at KOMOJU and driving business growth.

Key Responsibilities:

Client Support and Relationship Building

  • Customer Support: Respond promptly to daily inquiries and technical issues, thoroughly understanding the customer’s problems and offering appropriate solutions. Escalate issues as necessary and collaborate with internal teams to resolve them effectively.
  • Proactive Communication: Through regular meetings and reviews, assess customer needs and satisfaction, and propose continuous improvement measures. Focus on strengthening relationships with the aim of achieving customer success.

Account Management and Enhancing Customer Satisfaction

  • Building Long-term Relationships: Build trust with existing customers and provide support aligned with their business goals. Set specific KPIs (such as GMV growth, service usage expansion), and offer strategic advice and proposals to achieve these goals.
  • Discovering and Sharing Customer Success Stories: Identify success stories of customers effectively utilizing KOMOJU, and share these with other clients. This will enhance customer satisfaction and reinforce the value of KOMOJU.
  • Coordination with Internal Teams: Share customer needs and requests with internal teams to gain support from product and related departments. Particularly for technical challenges, work closely with technical solution consultants or customer engineering to ensure timely responses.

Identifying Sales Opportunities and Expanding Business

  • Upselling and Cross-selling: Analyze the business status of customers and propose additional KOMOJU features or new payment solutions. Explore new market or product opportunities, and develop strategies that provide further value to customers. Additionally, create upsell and cross-sell opportunities to contribute to the department’s sales goals.

Pricing and Contract Management

  • Optimizing Pricing Structures: Adjust and propose optimal pricing structures based on the transaction volume and business scale of the customer, aiming to maximize profits.
  • Contract Negotiation and Renewal: Handle contract renewals with existing customers and negotiations for the use of new services. Understand the terms of contracts with customers and lead discussions to reach the best agreements for both parties.

Establishing and Improving Workflows

  • Building Account Management Workflows: To establish the Account Manager role, you will consider and implement workflows and tools related to customer support and response, creating efficient operations. This includes organizing customer data and utilizing CRM systems to establish the foundation for account management.
  • Continuous Performance Improvement: Regularly evaluate customer performance and work on process improvements or the development of new strategies. Based on customer feedback, strive to enhance service delivery.

Market Trends Research and Reporting

  • Understanding Payment Market Trends: Gather information on the latest trends in the payment industry, technological innovations, and competitor services to provide the most suitable advice to customers. Offer solutions that adapt to new payment methods and regulatory changes.
  • Reporting and Analysis: Create regular account performance reports to inform customers and management of progress and achievements. This supports data-driven decision-making that adds further value to the customers.



  • アカりントマネゞメント経隓: 5幎以䞊のアカりントマネゞメント、カスタマヌサクセス、たたはクラむアントリレヌションシップの経隓。
  • 営業・ビゞネス開発の知識: アップセル・クロスセルを通じお売䞊を䌞ばした実瞟。顧客のビゞネス目暙に応じた戊略的提案の経隓。
  • 決枈・EC業界たたはSaaS分野での経隓: 決枈・ECサヌビスやSaaS゜リュヌションに関する知識を有し、顧客のニヌズを的確に理解し、適切な゜リュヌションを提䟛できるこず。
  • 顧客志向の問題解決胜力: 顧客の課題を深く理解し、迅速か぀効果的な゜リュヌションを提䟛できる胜力。
  • リヌダヌシップずプロゞェクト管理スキル: 耇数のチヌムやプロゞェクトをリヌドし、アカりントマネゞメントの業務を確立・掚進する胜力。
  • コミュニケヌション胜力: 内倖のステヌクホルダヌずの効果的なコミュニケヌション力。特に技術チヌムや経営局ずの円滑な連携が求められたす。
  • デヌタ分析スキル: KPIやパフォヌマンスデヌタを分析し、デヌタに基づいた提案やレポヌト䜜成ができる胜力。
  • 英語力: ビゞネスレベルの英語でのコミュニケヌション胜力読み曞きおよび䌚話。


  • 決枈業界の深い知識: 特にIC++やサブスクリプション、むンタヌチェンゞ料金など、耇雑な決枈モデルに粟通しおいるこず。
  • SaaSプロダクトに関する経隓: SaaS゜リュヌションの導入・管理経隓、たたは関連するクラむアントサポヌトの経隓。
  • 囜際的なビゞネス経隓: グロヌバルな顧客やチヌムずの仕事の経隓。異なる文化や地域のビゞネス習慣に察応できるスキル。
  • 倚蚀語察応: 日本語以倖の蚀語胜力特にアゞア地域の蚀語がある堎合、グロヌバル顧客察応においお有利。
  • CRMツヌルの䜿甚経隓: SalesforceやHubSpotなどのCRMツヌルを䜿甚しお、顧客デヌタの管理や営業プロセスを最適化した経隓。
  • テクニカルな知識: APIや技術的なむンテグレヌションに関する基本的な知識があるず尚可。
  • スタヌトアップや新芏事業の立ち䞊げ経隓: 新しいプロセスやワヌクフロヌの構築・改善に積極的に取り組んだ経隓。


  • Account Management Experience: Over 5 years of experience in account management, customer success, or client relationship management.
  • Sales and Business Development Knowledge: Proven track record of increasing sales through upselling and cross-selling. Experience in providing strategic proposals aligned with customer business goals.
  • Experience in the Payments Industry or SaaS: Knowledge of payment services or SaaS solutions, with the ability to understand customer needs and provide suitable solutions.
  • Customer-oriented Problem-solving Skills: Ability to deeply understand customer challenges and provide quick and effective solutions.
  • Leadership and Project Management Skills: Ability to lead multiple teams and projects, and to establish and drive account management operations.
  • Communication Skills: Effective communication with internal and external stakeholders. Strong coordination with technical teams and senior management is essential.
  • Data Analysis Skills: Ability to analyze KPIs and performance data, and make data-driven proposals and reports.
  • English Proficiency: Business-level English communication skills (both written and spoken). 

Preferred Qualifications and Skills:

  • In-depth Knowledge of the Payments Industry: Familiarity with complex payment models, especially IC++, subscription, and interchange fees.
  • Experience with SaaS Products: Experience in implementing and managing SaaS solutions, or related client support experience.
  • International Business Experience: Experience working with global clients or teams, with the ability to adapt to different cultures and regional business practices.
  • Multilingual Skills: Proficiency in languages other than Japanese (particularly Asian languages) would be an advantage in global client management.
  • Experience with CRM Tools: Experience managing customer data and optimizing sales processes using CRM tools like Salesforce or HubSpot.
  • Technical Knowledge: Basic understanding of APIs and technical integrations is a plus.
  • Startup or New Business Launch Experience: Experience in actively contributing to the creation and improvement of new processes and workflows.



  • 幎間業瞟評䟡に応じた昇絊
  • プロフィットシェア幎2回支絊実瞟あり
  • リモヌトずオフィス勀務が䞡方可胜なハむブリット䜓制
  • 瀟䌚保険完備関東IT゜フトりェア健康保険組合加入
  • 健康蚺断
  • スポヌツクラブ優埅IT健保
  • 保逊所IT健保
  • 語孊研修レッスン料1〜2䞇円/月を補助
  • 自己孊習サポヌト幎間最倧10䞇円