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Product Manager (Growth) - Mercari/HR Domain New Business (Mercari Hallo)

プロダクトマネヌゞャヌグロヌス - メルカリ/HR領域新芏事業メルカリハロ

Tags: Full-time, 3 YOE, Business Japanese

Minato City, Tokyo, Japan・Fetched 30+ days ago

Job Description

Employment Type: Full-time
Team: Product Management

Product Manager (Growth) – Mercari/HR領域新芏事業 (Mercari Hallo)

  • 雇甚圢態正瀟員
  • 働き方フレックスタむム制コアタむムなし・フレキシブルタむムなし 
  • 勀務地六本朚





テクノロゞヌの力で䞖界䞭の人々を぀なぎ、あらゆる人の可胜性が発揮される䞖界を実珟しおいきたす。メルカリグルヌプの目指すべき方針に぀いおは Mercari Culture Doc をご芧ください。


「メルカリ ハロMercari Hallo」ずは

  • メルカリグルヌプは、「あらゆる䟡倀を埪環させ、あらゆる人の可胜性を広げる」ずいうミッションのもず、様々な事業を展開しおおりたす。今回新たにHR領域の事業ずしおスポットワヌクスキマバむト事業に参入し、個人の倚様な働き方の実珟ず事業者が抱える慢性的な人手䞍足の解消を目指したす。サヌビス名は「メルカリ ハロMercari Hallo」です。
  • 個人の䟡倀芳やラむフスタむルが倚様化する䞭で、「働くずは䜕か」「䜕のために働くのか」ずいう働く意矩や目的も個人によっお様々です。それぞれの意矩・目的に応じたより柔軟な働き方が求められおおり、そのような働き方の実珟が個人の有意矩な䜓隓の創出に䞍可欠であるず考えおいたす。
  • たた、人手䞍足に悩んでいる事業者の倚くが、私たちの日々の生掻を支える瀟䌚むンフラの圹割を担っおいるため、劎働垂堎における慢性的な人手䞍足が倧きな瀟䌚課題ずなっおいたす。


  • 2023幎4月に発足した私たち新チヌムのミッションは、「メルカリ ハロMercari Hallo」を通しお、「働く」をより気軜なものにしお、自分の奜きなこずややりたいこずが実珟できる䞖界を぀くっおいくこずです。
  • スポットワヌク垂堎のポテンシャルは倧きく、事業が成長すればメルカリグルヌプの倧きな柱ずなりうる可胜性があるず芋蟌んでいたす。たた、「メルカリ」「メルペむ」などのサヌビスを通じお、メルカリグルヌプが積み䞊げおきたアセットずの芪和性も非垞に高いず考えおいたす。
  • 瀟䌚課題である人手䞍足の解消に加え、「働く」ずいう抂念ひいおは劎働垂堎そのものをアップデヌトし、「人」の可胜性をさらに広げるUnleashするために、私たちず䞀緒にメルカリグルヌプの新芏事業の立ち䞊げ・急成長を実珟させたせんか。
  • メルカリのミッション・バリュヌに぀いおの詳现はこちらをご芧ください。 



  • 䞖界トップクラスのプロダクトを構築するために、メルカリ ハロのアプリずパヌトナヌポヌタルのグロヌスを加速させる。
  • 調査・分析を通じお、クルヌずパヌトナヌ双方ぞの理解を深め、アクティブ率やリテンションを高めるための斜策怜蚎ず優先順䜍付けを行う。
  • ゚ンゞニア、デザむナヌ、プロダクト、マヌケティングの各ステヌクホルダヌず協力しながら、メルカリ ハロのナヌザヌをグロヌスさせる魅力的なロヌドマップを構築する。
  • プロダクト組織の䞀員ずしお、マヌケタヌず協働しながらキャンペヌンの意思決定を行う。



    • メルカリグルヌプにおける新しい柱ずなる事業の立ち䞊げ・急成長の䞀翌を担っおいただきたす。少数粟鋭のプロフェッショナルな仲間たちず協働し、事業成功のために必芁なこずは自らの圹割範囲を超えお、スピヌド感を持っお取り組んでいくこずが求められたす。
    • 新しくチヌムを䜜っおいるフェヌズのため、チヌムや組織のアりトプットを最倧化させるための仕組みづくりにも関わるこずが求められたす。


    • 先述の通り、劎働垂堎のアップデヌトずいう倧きなテヌマに察しお、メルカリグルヌプがも぀匷力なアセットを歊噚に新芏ビゞネスを掚進しおいたす。前䟋のないチャレンゞングなテヌマであり、成功すればパラダむムシフトずなりうる倧きな瀟䌚むンパクトを生み出すポテンシャルがありたす。



    • メルカリグルヌプおよび各カンパニヌのミッションずバリュヌに共感しおいただける方
    • 3幎以䞊のむンタヌネット、スマヌトフォン向けの補品・サヌビスのプロダクトマネゞメント経隓、たたはそれず同様の経隓
    • 䌁画立案からリリヌスたで䞀気通貫で掚進をした経隓
    • 事業の成長に倧きなむンパクトを䞎えるような機胜をリリヌスした実瞟
    • テキストや䌚話を通じお、ステヌクホルダヌず円滑に開発進行ができる方


    • SQL、デヌタ分析、A/Bテストなどの実隓蚭蚈ず実斜などを通じおデヌタドリブンなプロダクト開発をした経隓がある方
    • マヌケティングチヌムず協力しながらオヌガニックおよびマヌケティングキャンペヌンを実行し、効果枬定の手法に知芋が豊富である方
    • れロむチでプロダクトを䜜る際に拡匵性も螏たえおプロダクト仕様の蚭蚈をしたこずがある経隓
    • 英語環境での業務経隓


    • 英語Independent (CEFR – B2) 歓迎
    • 日本語Independent (CEFR - B2) 必須






  • 曞類遞考
  • 技術課題゚ンゞニアポゞションではHackerRankたたはGithubでの技術課題を、゚ンゞニア以倖のポゞションでは採甚ポゞションによりたす面接タむミングず前埌するこずがありたす
  • 面接ポゞションにより、耇数回の面接をお願いしたす
  • リファレンスオンラむン回答圢匏のもので、最終遞考の前埌でお願いしたす
  • オファヌ最終遞考ずリファレンスの内容より決定されたす

 ※詳しくは  こちらのペヌゞをご芧ください。


メルカリでは、バックグラりンドによっお個人の可胜性が決め぀けられるこずなく、自由に䟡倀を生みだす機䌚を手にできる瀟䌚の実珟を目指しおいたす。そしおメルカリがミッションを実珟するために「Inclusion & Diversity」ずいう考え方は䞍可欠な存圚だず考えおいたす。


詳しくは、I&D statementをご芧ください。


Product Manager (Growth) – Mercari/Mercari Hallo

About Mercari

Circulate all forms of value to unleash the potential in all people

"What can I do to help society thrive with the finite resources we have?" The Mercari marketplace app was born in 2013 out of this thought by our founder Shintaro Yamada as he traveled the world. We believe that by circulating all forms of value, not just physical things and money, we can create opportunities for anyone to realize their dreams and contribute to society and the people around them. Mercari aims to use technology to connect people all over the world and create a world where anyone can unleash their potential. For more information about Mercari Group’s mission, see Mercari’s Culture Doc. 

Organization/Team Mission

<About Mercari Hallo>

Mercari Group is developing various businesses under our mission to “circulate all forms of value to unleash the potential in all people.” With our newest business in the HR domain, we have entered the on-demand labor industry with the aim to provide individuals with more diverse ways of working and to mitigate the chronic labor shortages faced by business owners. The name of this new service is Mercari Hallo.

In a world where our values and lifestyles are becoming more diverse, the meaning and purpose of work for each individual vary greatly as well. This has generated a demand for more flexible ways of working, and we believe that providing these flexible work styles is the key to creating meaningful experiences for individuals.

In addition, the chronic labor shortage in Japan is a serious social issue, as many of the business owners struggling are part of the social infrastructure that supports our daily lives.

<Team Mission>

The mission of our new team created in April 2023 is to make working easier with Mercari Hallo and create a world in which anyone can pursue their dreams.

The potential of the on-demand labor market is huge, and we anticipate that with further growth this business can become a significant pillar of Mercari Group. In conjunction with Mercari, Merpay, and our other services, Mercari Hallo is also highly compatible with the assets Mercari Group has built.

We are working to not only solve the social issue of labor shortages, but reshape the concept of work and the labor market itself and unleash the potential of all people. We invite you to join us in working toward the establishment and exponential growth of Mercari Group’s new business.

See here for more information about our mission and values. 

Work Responsibilities 

Specific work responsibilities include the following: 

  • Build a world-class product and own growth outcomes of the Mercari Hallo app and our partner portal 
  • Build an understanding of both our crew and partners through analysis and research to identify and prioritize projects that will increase activation and retention
  • Work and collaborate with stakeholders across engineering, design, product, and marketing to build a compelling roadmap that will grow Mercari Hallo’s user base
  • Influence decisions in campaigns with marketing stakeholders while being part of the product organization

Unique Challenges 

○An environment demanding speed and actions beyond your role and experience

    • You will play a role in the establishment and exponential growth of the next business pillar of Mercari Group. You will engage with a team of select professionals, working at a fast pace and beyond the scope of your role when necessary for the success of the business.
    • Since our new team is still in its building phase, you will also be expected to help create mechanisms to maximize the team and organization's output.

○A business that will revolutionize Japan’s labor market

    • As mentioned above, we are taking on the monumental task of reshaping the labor market through advancing a new business leveraging Mercari Group's powerful assets. This is an unprecedented and challenging task with the potential to create a paradigm shift and massive social impact if successful.


Required Experience/Skills

    • Shared belief in the mission and values of Mercari Group and its various companies
    • Three or more years of product management experience in products or services for the internet or smartphone industries, or equivalent experience
    • Experience driving a project from the planning stages all the way to release
    • Proven track record of releasing features that have direct impact on the business’ growth
    • Excellent written and verbal communication skills; timely communication with clear expectations

Preferred Experience/Skills

    • You are data-driven: Experience with SQL, experiment design, and analysis
    • Experience in collaborating with marketing teams to create both organic and paid marketing campaigns, and familiar with how they measure success


    • English: Independent (CEFR - B2) preferred
    • Japanese: Independent (CEFR - B2) required

For details about CEFR, see here.   

Learn More About Mercari Group

Recruiting at Mercari

At Mercari Group, we value empathizing with and embodying the mission and values ​​of the Group and each company. To promote the creation of an organization that maximizes the total amount of value exhibited by all members, we would like to understand the experience and skills of each candidate as accurately as possible.

Recruiting cycle at Mercari Group

  • Application screening
  • Skill assessment: For engineering positions, you will be asked to complete a skill assessment on HackerRank or GitHub. For non-engineering positions, you may be asked to complete an assessment depending on the position. (The timing of the assessment may coincide with the interview process.)
  • Interview: The number of interviews may vary depending on the position.
  • Reference check: We will ask for online references around the timing of the final interview.
  • Offer: Offers will be determined carefully in consideration of the final interview and the reference check.

 Learn more about our recruiting process here. 

Equal Opportunity Hiring 

Here at Mercari, we work to realize a world in which no one’s potential is limited by their background and everyone has the opportunity to freely create value. We also firmly believe that a mindset of Inclusion & Diversity is essential for us to achieve our mission.

This, of course, extends to our hiring practices as well. Mercari is committed to eliminating discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, physical disability, and other such factors so that anyone who shares our mission and values can join us, regardless of their background. For more details, please read our I&D statement. 

Please read and acknowledge our Privacy Policy prior to submitting your application.