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Software Engineer, Machine learning (Customer Service Platform)


Tags: Full-time, 2 YOE, Business Japanese

Minato City, Tokyo, Japan・Fetched 30+ days ago

Job Description

Employment Type: Full-time
Team: Engineering

Software Engineer, Machine learning (Customer Service Platform) - Mercari

  • Employment Status: Full-time
  • Work Hours: Full Flextime (no core time) 
  • Office: Roppongi

For more details, see the Overview of Our Positions section on our Careers site. 

About Mercari

Circulate all forms of value to unleash the potential in all people

"What can I do to help society thrive with the finite resources we have?" The Mercari marketplace app was born in 2013 out of this thought by our founder Shintaro Yamada as he traveled the world. We believe that by circulating all forms of value, not just physical things and money, we can create opportunities for anyone to realize their dreams and contribute to society and the people around them. Mercari aims to use technology to connect people all over the world and create a world where anyone can unleash their potential. For more information about Mercari Group’s mission, see Mercari’s Culture Doc. 

Organization/Team Mission

Mercari Engineering Principles  

Mercari Engineering Principles are a shared understanding that serves as the foundation of engineering beliefs and behavior at Mercari. The Engineering Principles are designed to complement the organizational identity (Mercari’s mission, values, and culture) from an engineering viewpoint. 

These principles ultimately help us achieve Mercari’s mission by defining the ideal state we seek to realize in the long term. 

  • Passion For The Product
  • Grow Together
  • Solve Through Mechanisms
  • Collaborate Openly

For more details, please see the following link:

In the CS ML team, as a team specializing in machine learning in the field of customer support, we aim to improve and personalize the experiences of customers and customer support operators by developing innovative machine learning models that predict and proactively resolve customer issues and complaints. 

Our mission is to revolutionize customer service and satisfaction by providing machine learning solutions that ensure unparalleled world-class customer experience and trust.

See here for more information about our mission and values. 

Work Responsibilities

  • Machine learning engineers active in the customer support field collaborate with the customer support department to develop functions using machine learning for customer inquiries. They develop not only functions and services directly used by customers utilizing "Mercari" but also features for handling inquiries using internal tools by customer support. Mercari is actively applying advanced machine learning technology to provide a more convenient, safer, and more enjoyable marketplace. Machine learning engineers use the cloud and Kubernetes to operate and improve machine learning systems.

Unique Challenges

Providing a machine learning solution that fully utilizes behavioral data (table data) and inquiry content (natural language) to enhance customer experience by swiftly resolving customer issues and enabling customer support associates to handle inquiries quickly and appropriately.

  • By implementing machine learning techniques utilizing inquiry and operation logs, the inquiry system is enhanced and effortlessly improved to elevate the inquiry experience.
  • Lead cross-team projects, collaborating with stakeholders to impact departments and the entire company.
  • Deploy scalable and efficient machine learning solutions by leveraging machine learning frameworks and libraries.
  • Monitor system performance and conduct A/B testing to evaluate the effectiveness of features.
  • Develop and deploy machine learning functionalities using the latest text models (MLM and LLM) for practical use.


  • Required Experience/Skills
    • Experience in developing machine learning systems using Python (2+ years)
    • Work experience in natural language processing (NLP) (1+ year)
    • Experience in building models using machine learning libraries such as Hugging Face, TensorFlow, and PyTorch (1+ year)
    • Practical experience in data analysis using Python, SQL, and BI tools
    • Experience in developing and delivering end-to-end machine learning solutions, from experimentation to model deployment, including BE development and MLOps in production systems.

  • Preferred Experience/Skills
    • Experience in developing machine learning systems utilizing large amounts of Japanese text data
    • Development experience in cloud environments using AWS, GCP, Microsoft Azure, etc.
    • Project leadership and stakeholder management experience as a counterpart in machine learning
    • Experience in developing and operating microservices using Docker and Kubernetes
    • Experience in designing and developing architectures utilizing services on GCP such as VertexAI.
  • Language 
    • Japanese: Independent (CEFR - B2) [Preferred]
    • English: Independent (CEFR - B2) [Required]

For details about CEFR, see here.   

Learn More About Mercari Group

Recruiting at Mercari

At Mercari Group, we value empathizing with and embodying the mission and values ​​of the Group and each company. To promote the creation of an organization that maximizes the total amount of value exhibited by all members, we would like to understand the experience and skills of each candidate as accurately as possible.

Recruiting cycle at Mercari Group

  • Application screening
  • Skill assessment: For engineering positions, you will be asked to complete a skill assessment on HackerRank or GitHub. For non-engineering positions, you may be asked to complete an assessment depending on the position. (The timing of the assessment may coincide with the interview process.)
  • Interview: The number of interviews may vary depending on the position.
  • Reference check: We will ask for online references around the timing of the final interview.
  • Offer: Offers will be determined carefully in consideration of the final interview and the reference check.

 Learn more about our recruiting process here. 

Equal Opportunity Hiring

Here at Mercari, we work to realize a world in which no one’s potential is limited by their background and everyone has the opportunity to freely create value. We also firmly believe that a mindset of Inclusion & Diversity is essential for us to achieve our mission.

This, of course, extends to our hiring practices as well. Mercari is committed to eliminating discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, physical disability, and other such factors so that anyone who shares our mission and values can join us, regardless of their background. For more details, please read our I&D statement. 

Please read and acknowledge our Privacy Policy prior to submitting your application.

Software Engineer, Machine learning (Customer Service Platform) - Mercari

  • 雇甚圢態  正瀟員
  • 働き方 フレックスタむム制コアタむムなし・フレキシブルタむムなし
  • 勀務地 六本朚





テクノロゞヌの力で䞖界䞭の人々を぀なぎ、あらゆる人の可胜性が発揮される䞖界を実珟しおいきたす。メルカリグルヌプの目指すべき方針に぀いおは Mercari Culture Doc をご芧ください。


  •  Mercari Engineering Principles
    Mercari Engineering Principles は、メルカリの゚ンゞニアリング組織における信念や行動の基盀ずなる共通認識を明文化したもので、メルカリのメンバヌ党員が共有するMission、Value、Cultureを゚ンゞニアリングの芖点から補完するものずなりたす。これらのPrinciplesは、私たちが長期的に実珟しようずする理想的な姿を定矩するこずで、最終的にメルカリのミッションを達成するために掻甚しおいきたす。
  • Passion For The Product
  • Grow Together
  • Solve Through Mechanisms
  • Collaborate Openly

詳现に぀いおぱンゞニアリングカルチャヌ  をご芧ください  

  • CS MLチヌムでは、カスタマヌサポヌト領域の機械孊習専門のチヌムずしお、お客さたの問題や苊情を予枬し、積極的に解決する革新的な機械孊習モデルを開発するこずで、お客さたずカスタマヌサポヌトオペレヌタヌの䜓隓を向䞊させパヌ゜ナラむズしたす。
  • お客さたサヌビスず満足床に革呜をもたらし、比類のない䞖界クラスのカスタマヌ゚クスペリ゚ンスず信頌を保蚌する機械孊習の゜リュヌションを提䟛するこずをミッションに掲げおいたす。
  • メルカリのミッション・バリュヌに぀いおの詳现はこちらをご芧ください 


  • カスタマヌサポヌト領域で掻躍する機械孊習゚ンゞニアは、カスタマヌサポヌト郚門ず連携し、お客さたからのお問い合わせに察しお機械孊習を甚いた機胜開発を行っおいたす。 「メルカリ」を利甚するお客さたが盎接利甚する機胜やサヌビスだけでなく、カスタマヌサポヌトが瀟内ツヌルを䜿っお行うお問い合わせ察応の機胜も開発しおいたす。 メルカリは、より䟿利で安党で楜しいマヌケットプレむスを提䟛するために、先進的な機械孊習技術を積極的に掻甚しおいたす。 機械孊習゚ンゞニアは、クラりドやKubernetesを掻甚しお機械孊習システムの運甚・改善を行っおいたす。



  • お問い合わせおよびオペレヌションログを掻甚した機械孊習の技術を導入するこずで、お問い合わせのシステムを匷化し、゚フォヌトレスに改善するこずでお問い合わせ䜓隓を向䞊させる。
  • チヌム暪断的なプロゞェクトをリヌドし、ステヌクホルダヌず協力しお、郚門や䌚瀟党䜓にむンパクトを䞎える。
  • 機械孊習フレヌムワヌクずラむブラリを掻甚し、スケヌラブルで効率的な機械孊習゜リュヌションを展開する。
  • システムのパフォヌマンスを監芖し、機胜の有効性を評䟡するためのA/Bテストを実斜する。
  • 最新のテキストモデル(MLMやLLM)を䜿甚しお機械孊習機胜を開発し、実運甚に投入する。


  • 求める経隓・スキル
    • Pythonを甚いた機械孊習システムの開発経隓2幎以䞊
    • 自然蚀語凊理(NLP)の業務経隓1幎以䞊
    • HuggingFace、TensorFlow、PyTorch等の機械孊習ラむブラリを甚いたモデル構築経隓1幎以䞊
    • PythonやSQL、BIツヌルを甚いたデヌタ分析の実務経隓
    • プロダクションシステムにおけるBE開発やMLOpsを含む、実隓からモデルのデプロむメントたで、゚ンドツヌ゚ンドの機械孊習゜リュヌションの開発およびデリバリヌ経隓

  • 歓迎する経隓・スキル
    • 倧量の日本語テキストデヌタを掻甚した機械孊習システムの開発経隓
    • AWS、GCP、Microsoft Azureなどを甚いたクラりド環境での開発経隓
    • 機械孊習のカりンタヌパヌトずしおのプロゞェクトのリヌド及びステヌクホルダヌのマネゞメント経隓
    • DockerやKubernetesを甚いたマむクロサヌビスの開発・運甚経隓
    • VertexAIなどGCP䞊のサヌビスを掻甚したアヌキテクチャの蚭蚈ず開発経隓
  • 語孊力
    • 日本語Independent (CEFR - B2) 歓迎
    • 英語Independent (CEFR - B2) 必須






  • 曞類遞考
  • 技術課題゚ンゞニアポゞションではHackerRankたたはGithubでの技術課題を、゚ンゞニア以倖のポゞションでは採甚ポゞションによりたす面接タむミングず前埌するこずがありたす
  • 面接ポゞションにより、耇数回の面接をお願いしたす
  • リファレンスオンラむン回答圢匏のもので、最終遞考の前埌でお願いしたす
  • オファヌ最終遞考ずリファレンスの内容より決定されたす


 ※詳しくは  こちらのペヌゞをご芧ください


メルカリでは、バックグラりンドによっお個人の可胜性が決め぀けられるこずなく、自由に䟡倀を生みだす機䌚を手にできる瀟䌚の実珟を目指しおいたす。そしおメルカリがミッションを実珟するために「Inclusion & Diversity」ずいう考え方は䞍可欠な存圚だず考えおいたす。


詳しくは、I&D statementをご芧ください。
