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Senior Data Analyst


Tags: Full-time, 6~8 YOE, Business Japanese

Minato City, Tokyo, Japan・Fetched 30+ days ago

Job Description

Employment Type: Full-time
Team: Data Analyst

Senior Data Analyst – US App

About Mercari

Circulate all forms of value to unleash the potential in all people

"What can I do to help society thrive with the finite resources we have?" The Mercari marketplace app was born in 2013 out of this thought by our founder Shintaro Yamada as he traveled the world. We believe that by circulating all forms of value, not just physical things and money, we can create opportunities for anyone to realize their dreams and contribute to society and the people around them. Mercari aims to use technology to connect people all over the world and create a world where anyone can unleash their potential. For more information about Mercari Group’s mission, see Mercari’s Culture Doc. 

Organization/Team Mission

Team mission: Enable the business to make data-informed decisions by translating data into insights and insights into actionable recommendations. 

See here for more information about our mission and values. 

Work Responsibilities 

Specific work responsibilities include the following:

  • BI Foundations: Develop and maintain the data tooling that enables decisions
    • Collaborate with Data Engineering to:
      • Maintain Mercari’s data pipelines and tooling
      • Ensure tables are correct and up-to-date at all times
      • Help maintain data integrity and data relevance. Clean old data, etc.
      • Ownership of certain assets such as Looker.
      • Maintain dashboards for key business metrics and communicate to external stakeholders on a regular basis.
  • BI Operations: Manage day-to-day experimentation set up, review and implementation
    • Define a common framework for product and marketing experimentation across Mercari (as necessary). 
    • Support new experiments:
      • Quantify their potential business impact 
      • Define the relevant metrics to test
      • Set up the data pipelines and monitoring
      • Analyze the A/B test results and summarize the impact
    • Own event tagging/tracking for new and old features
  • BI Insights: Provide deep, high-quality business recommendations to drive impact
    • [Project analysis] Track and analyze periodic long-term impact of launched projects
    • [Platform analysis] Analyze platform-level performance, develop insights and provide specific biz recommendations
    • [User analysis] Analyze user behavior trends and use it to improve business performance
    • Identify new opportunities through data mining and translate them into crisp, actionable business recommendations

Unique Challenges 

  • Be a part of the strategic intelligence to win the US market: You will be part of the team to plan and execute the strategy to win the US market with the Mercari US service. We are looking for a candidate who is excited to tailor the prior experiences and knowledge to the situation of our business, while being open to quickly unlearn and adapt to the new environment for the success of the company.
  • Make cross functional collaborations, a lot of them: You will have the opportunities to work cross functionally and extensively across many projects. You will use your excellent communication skills as well as the willingness to  extend your responsibilities when necessary to achieve the results.
  • Apply creative thinking in the use of extensive data sets, especially the unique combination of BI + FP&A capabilities: With the FP&A in the same organizational structure, you will have access to most of the data sets to tackle important business problems. Having creative mindsets as well as utilizing strategic thinking is the key to driving the results.
  • Create a new foundation of the team: You will have the opportunities to be part of the conversation to update the policy as well as the operating system of the team.


  • Required Experience/Skills
    • Shared belief in the mission and values of Mercari Group and its various companies
    • Passion for creating new business opportunities
    • 5+ years of practical experience with data analysis aimed at solving business- and user-related issues
    • Experience analyzing data using SQL or another programming language
    • Knowledge and skills to perform basic data operations in SQL (we will have you submit a data operations assignment using SQL during the selection process)
    • Basic understanding of statistics
    • Experience working with product managers to improve a service
    • Deep understanding of Mercari’s products and ability to proactively suggest ideas for improvement
    • Experience in hypothesis testing flows that involve designing and executing A/B tests

  • Preferred Experience/Skills
    • Extensive experience analyzing C2C market data and e-commerce businesses, and a basic understanding of KPIs and how businesses are structured
    • Experience in project management and team management
    • Knowledge regarding the product development cycle
    • Experience creating a growth model for a business or service and setting KPI targets
    • Experience performing analysis for a marketing or advertising business
    • Experience in practical application of statistical analyses conducted via Python, R, etc. (hypothesis testing, regression analysis, causal inference) 

  • Language 
    • Either of the following is required:
      • English: C1 required
      • Japanese: C1 preferred

For details about CEFR, see here.   

Learn More About Mercari Group

Recruiting at Mercari

At Mercari Group, we value empathizing with and embodying the mission and values ​​of the Group and each company. To promote the creation of an organization that maximizes the total amount of value exhibited by all members, we would like to understand the experience and skills of each candidate as accurately as possible.

Recruiting cycle at Mercari Group

  • Application screening
  • Skill assessment: For engineering positions, you will be asked to complete a skill assessment on HackerRank or GitHub. For non-engineering positions, you may be asked to complete an assessment depending on the position. (The timing of the assessment may coincide with the interview process.)
  • Interview: The number of interviews may vary depending on the position.
  • Reference check: We will ask for online references around the timing of the final interview.
  • Offer: Offers will be determined carefully in consideration of the final interview and the reference check.

 Learn more about our recruiting process here. 

Equal Opportunity Hiring 

Here at Mercari, we work to realize a world in which no one’s potential is limited by their background and everyone has the opportunity to freely create value. We also firmly believe that a mindset of Inclusion & Diversity is essential for us to achieve our mission.

This, of course, extends to our hiring practices as well. Mercari is committed to eliminating discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, physical disability, and other such factors so that anyone who shares our mission and values can join us, regardless of their background. For more details, please read our I&D statement. 

Please read and acknowledge our Privacy Policy prior to submitting your application.

Senior Data Analyst / シニアデヌタアナリスト – US App

  • 雇甚圢態正瀟員
  • 働き方フレックスタむム制コアタむムなし・フレキシブルタむムなし 
  • 勀務地六本朚




テクノロゞヌの力で䞖界䞭の人々を぀なぎ、あらゆる人の可胜性が発揮される䞖界を実珟しおいきたす。メルカリグルヌプの目指すべき方針に぀いおは Mercari Culture Doc をご芧ください。


Data Analystチヌムのミッション

  • チヌムのミッションデヌタを元にむンサむトを抜出し、レコメンデヌションを行うこずで、事業のデヌタドリブンな意思決定を実珟したす。
  • メルカリのミッション・バリュヌに぀いおの詳现はこちらをご芧ください。 



○BI Foundation意思決定を支えるデヌタツヌルの開発・保守運甚を担いたす。

 ・Data Engineeringず連携し、以䞋の業務を行いたす。






○BI Operation日々のExperimentationのセットアップ・レビュヌ・実斜を管理したす。








○BI Insight:むンパクトをもたらすための深床ある質の高いビゞネス提蚀を行いたす。






  • US垂堎で勝぀ための戊略的むンテリゞェンスMercari USのサヌビスがUS垂堎で勝ち抜くための戊略を立案、実行するチヌムの䞀員ずなりたす。これたでの経隓ず知芋をビゞネスの珟状に合わせお掻甚し、新しい環境で前向きに玠早く孊び、順応し、䞀緒に䌚瀟の成功を目指すこずを楜しんでいただける方を探しおいたす。
  • 組織暪断的なコラボレヌション数倚くのプロゞェクトにわたっお組織暪断で、幅広く掻躍する機䌚がありたす。優れたコミュニケヌションスキルを掻かしながら、成果を出すために必芁に応じお自ら責任範囲を広げる姿勢も求められたす。
  • 広範なデヌタを掻甚するクリ゚むティビティ特に、BI+FP&Aの組み合わせ同䞀組織内のFP&Aず合わせお、倧半の重芁なビゞネス課題に取り組むためのデヌタセットにアクセスできる環境が敎っおいたす。クリ゚むティブな発想や戊略的思考が成果をもたらす䞊で必芁ずなりたす。
  • チヌムの新たな基盀を構築チヌムのポリシヌやオペレヌション構造のアップデヌトに関する議論に貢献する機䌚がありたす。



    • メルカリグルヌプおよび各カンパニヌのミッションずバリュヌに共感しおいただける方
    • 新たなビゞネス機䌚を生むこずに情熱のある方
    • ビゞネスやナヌザヌの課題解決を目的ずしたデヌタ分析で5幎以䞊の実務経隓
    • SQLもしくはその他のプログラミング蚀語を甚いたデヌタ分析の経隓
    • SQLで基本的なデヌタ操䜜を行える知識ずスキル ※遞考プロセスにおいお、SQLによるデヌタ操䜜の課題を提出しお頂きたす
    • 統蚈孊の基瀎知識
    • プロダクトマネヌゞャヌず協業しサヌビス改善を行った経隓
    • メルカリのプロダクトぞの理解が深く、積極的に改善提案ができる方
    • A/Bテストの蚭蚈、怜蚌を通じた仮説怜蚌フロヌの実務経隓


    • C2Cマヌケットデヌタ、EC事業の分析経隓が豊富であり、基本的なKPIや事業構造を把握されおいる方
    • プロゞェクトマネゞメントやチヌムマネゞメントの経隓
    • プロダクトの開発サむクルに関する知識
    • 事業やサヌビス成長のモデル構築や目暙KPIを定めた経隓
    • マヌケティングや広告事業の分析経隓
    • Python, Rなどを甚いた統蚈解析の実務ぞの応甚経隓怜定・回垰分析・因果掚論







  • 曞類遞考
  • 技術課題゚ンゞニアポゞションではHackerRankたたはGithubでの技術課題を、゚ンゞニア以倖のポゞションでは採甚ポゞションによりたす面接タむミングず前埌するこずがありたす。
  • 面接ポゞションにより、耇数回の面接をお願いしたす。
  • リファレンスオンラむン回答圢匏のもので、最終遞考の前埌でお願いしたす。
  • オファヌ最終遞考ずリファレンスの内容より決定されたす。

 ※詳しくは  こちらのペヌゞをご芧ください。


メルカリでは、バックグラりンドによっお個人の可胜性が決め぀けられるこずなく、自由に䟡倀を生みだす機䌚を手にできる瀟䌚の実珟を目指しおいたす。そしおメルカリがミッションを実珟するために「Inclusion & Diversity」ずいう考え方は䞍可欠な存圚だず考えおいたす。


詳しくは、I&D statementをご芧ください。
