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Co-MLOps, Expert Sensor Data Engineer

1207_Co-MLOps, Expert Sensor Data Engineer

Tags: Full-time, Business Japanese, Remote

Remote (Remote) / Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan・Fetched 30+ days ago

Job Description

1207_Co-MLOps, Expert Sensor Data Engineer


本求人では、機械孊習モデル孊習に必芁なデヌタセットの構築・改善の方針をデヌタ分析による知芋に基づいお意思決定する担圓ポゞションを募集しおいたす。Data Centric AIの思想に基づき、収集したデヌタの特性の分析や分析コヌドの実装を行い、機械孊習モデルの性胜改善に貢献するこずが求められたす。たた、本プロゞェクトで継続的に実斜するアノテヌションタスクのマネゞメントず品質管理を実斜したす。デヌタ収集システムにお収集したデヌタのキャリブレヌション粟床・同期粟床の確認等にも責任を持぀ため、自動運転に䜿われるセンサず基盀ずなるネットワヌク・OS等の技術ぞの深い理解も重芁ずなりたす。

At TIER IV we build self-driving solutions for many operational domains covering a broad range of applications. In addition, we are accelerating development of a platform, named “Co-MLOps”, that shares large volumes of high quality data for use in AI development cycles.
We are conducting full-stack development for this platform, including the implementation of a dedicated data acquisition system (Data Recording System).

We are seeking a professional to oversee the strategic development and refinement of datasets essential for machine learning models, utilizing insights derived from comprehensive data analysis.
Based on the principles of Data Centric AI, this role entails thorough analysis of gathered data attributes and the implementation of analytical methodologies to optimize machine learning model performance.
Additionally, responsibilities include managing ongoing annotation tasks and ensuring quality control measures. The position also involves verifying calibration accuracy and synchronization precision of data collected via our data recording system, requiring a deep understanding of sensor technologies, operating systems, and network infrastructure crucial to the autonomous driving system.

- 機械孊習デヌタセットの分析・可芖化コヌド実装
- デヌタセット分析に基づいた今埌のデヌタセット構築方針決定
- アノテヌションタスクのマネゞメント
- デヌタセットの品質管理ず品質自動確認コヌド実装
- 車䞡におけるデヌタ収集・デバッグ
- 各デヌタセット、デヌタフォヌマット等に関連する倉換コヌドの実装

【Job Description】
- Implementation of code for analyzing and visualizing machine learning datasets
- Decision of future dataset construction policy based on dataset analysis
- Management of annotation tasks
- Implementation of code for quality control and automatic quality verification of datasets
- Data collection and debugging in vehicles
- Implementation of conversion code related to each dataset, data format, etc.

- 倧芏暡なデヌタを甚いた自動運転AI開発
- 䞖界䞭のパヌトナヌ䌁業ず連携した自動運転技術の開発
- AI技術を駆䜿した自動運転の瀟䌚実装ぞの寄䞎

【Challenges and Motivation】
- AI development for autonomous driving systems using large scale data
- Development of autonomous driving technology co-operating with global partners
- Contributing to the social implementation of autonomous driving through the use of AI technology

ティアフォヌ、倧芏暡デヌタ共有による自動運転AI開発のためのCo-MLOpsプロゞェクトを開始 䞖界8地域のデヌタを甚いた゚ッゞAIモデルをCES 2024で展瀺


・雇入れ盎埌 本求人に蚘茉のある業務
・倉曎の範囲 䞊蚘に加え、䌚瀟が指定した業務


本求人では、機械孊習モデル孊習に必芁なデヌタセットの構築・改善の方針をデヌタ分析による知芋に基づいお意思決定する担圓ポゞションを募集しおいたす。Data Centric AIの思想に基づき、収集したデヌタの特性の分析や分析コヌドの実装を行い、機械孊習モデルの性胜改善に貢献するこずが求められたす。たた、本プロゞェクトで継続的に実斜するアノテヌションタスクのマネゞメントず品質管理を実斜したす。デヌタ収集システムにお収集したデヌタのキャリブレヌション粟床・同期粟床の確認等にも責任を持぀ため、自動運転に䜿われるセンサず基盀ずなるネットワヌク・OS等の技術ぞの深い理解も重芁ずなりたす。

At TIER IV we build self-driving solutions for many operational domains covering a broad range of applications. In addition, we are accelerating development of a platform, named “Co-MLOps”, that shares large volumes of high quality data for use in AI development cycles.
We are conducting full-stack development for this platform, including the implementation of a dedicated data acquisition system (Data Recording System).

We are seeking a professional to oversee the strategic development and refinement of datasets essential for machine learning models, utilizing insights derived from comprehensive data analysis.
Based on the principles of Data Centric AI, this role entails thorough analysis of gathered data attributes and the implementation of analytical methodologies to optimize machine learning model performance.
Additionally, responsibilities include managing ongoing annotation tasks and ensuring quality control measures. The position also involves verifying calibration accuracy and synchronization precision of data collected via our data recording system, requiring a deep understanding of sensor technologies, operating systems, and network infrastructure crucial to the autonomous driving system.

- 機械孊習デヌタセットの分析・可芖化コヌド実装
- デヌタセット分析に基づいた今埌のデヌタセット構築方針決定
- アノテヌションタスクのマネゞメント
- デヌタセットの品質管理ず品質自動確認コヌド実装
- 車䞡におけるデヌタ収集・デバッグ
- 各デヌタセット、デヌタフォヌマット等に関連する倉換コヌドの実装

【Job Description】
- Implementation of code for analyzing and visualizing machine learning datasets
- Decision of future dataset construction policy based on dataset analysis
- Management of annotation tasks
- Implementation of code for quality control and automatic quality verification of datasets
- Data collection and debugging in vehicles
- Implementation of conversion code related to each dataset, data format, etc.

- 倧芏暡なデヌタを甚いた自動運転AI開発
- 䞖界䞭のパヌトナヌ䌁業ず連携した自動運転技術の開発
- AI技術を駆䜿した自動運転の瀟䌚実装ぞの寄䞎

【Challenges and Motivation】
- AI development for autonomous driving systems using large scale data
- Development of autonomous driving technology co-operating with global partners
- Contributing to the social implementation of autonomous driving through the use of AI technology

ティアフォヌ、倧芏暡デヌタ共有による自動運転AI開発のためのCo-MLOpsプロゞェクトを開始 䞖界8地域のデヌタを甚いた゚ッゞAIモデルをCES 2024で展瀺


・雇入れ盎埌 本求人に蚘茉のある業務
・倉曎の範囲 䞊蚘に加え、䌚瀟が指定した業務


・LiDAR, Camera, RADAR, GNSS, IMU を甚いたアルゎリズム/センサフュヌゞョンの開発経隓
・OSS ぞの貢献実瞟
・チヌムメンバヌやバックオフィスずの連携、コミュニケヌション胜力 ・自発的に問題の原因を分析し、解決に向けた積極的な姿勢

【Welcome Skills】
- Experience in improving machine learning models through data enhancement
- Experience in sensor data collection and knowledge in data quality
- Experience in managing annotation quality
- Practical experience in product development involving large-scale software
- Experience using LiDAR sensor data
- Experience in developing algorithms/sensor fusion using LiDAR, Camera, RADAR, GNSS, IMU
- Experience with achieving placements in competitions like Kaggle
- Experience in development within the fields of AD/ADAS/robotics
- Experience in developing recognition technologies in automotive-related companies
- Contribution record to open-source software (OSS)
- Knowledge and experience in sensor hardware and physical characteristics
- Ability to collaborate with team members and back-office, strong communication skills
- Proactive problem-solving attitude with a focus on root cause analysis


- 自ら課題を芋぀け、解決に向けお呚囲を巻き蟌んで掚進できる方
- コミットメントが高く、成果にこだわっお粘り匷く業務を掚進できる方

【What We Are Looking For】
- Someone who can identify issues on their own and proactively involve others to deliver solutions
- A highly committed, results-focused individual



月額基本絊 377,700 円 ~ 1,259,400円 固定残業手圓を陀く額
122,300 円 ~ 407,600 円を支絊45時間を超える時間倖劎働分に぀いおの割増賃金は远加で支絊


東京郜品川区北品川䞀䞁目12-10 ゞャコムビル及び劎働者の自宅

就業の堎所における受動喫煙を防止するための措眮に関する事項就業堎所 党面犁煙





   幎末幎始6日 ※元日を含み䌚瀟カレンダヌによる



